Council of Educators in Landscape Architecture

Faculty Positions in Landscape Architecture • Ecological Design • Ecological Landscape Planning and Design

CELA (Council of Educators in Landscape Architecture)

Faculty Positions in Landscape Architecture • Ecological Design • Ecological Landscape Planning and Design

Faculty Positions in Landscape Architecture • Ecological Design • Ecological Landscape Planning and Design

The School for Environment and Sustainability (SEAS) at the University of Michigan seeks applicants for two (2) full-time tenured or tenure-track positions to contribute to the Landscape Architecture Master of Landscape Architecture Program and SEAS Doctoral Programs. The school is seeking to fill one position in Ecological Landscape Design, broadly and flexibly defined, and a second position in
Ecological Landscape Planning and Design, which will include teaching to develop students’ capacities to employ digital models, including GIS, to address policy-relevant ecological landscape planning and design.

In both positions we seek colleagues committed to using science to address socio-environmental sustainability of landscapes and communities in the context of global change, and to collaborating across disciplines and with local individuals/communities to propose creative solutions. A professional degree in Landscape Architecture or related design field is required for both positions. At least one of the following is also required: a doctoral degree, a record of significant scholarly accomplishment, or a record of award- winning professional work that exemplifies design as research. Rank will be commensurate with experience.

We seek faculty colleagues who will meaningfully contribute to the University of Michigan’s leadership in ecological design teaching and research, as well as to collaborative opportunities for teaching, research and service in SEAS and the University.

The School for Environment and Sustainability at the University of Michigan

SEAS’s mission is to contribute to the protection of the Earth’s resources and the achievement of a just and sustainable society. The school contributes new scientific knowledge, visionary leadership, and trained professionals toward that end. The faculty of the school is diverse, with natural scientists, social scientists, engineers, and designers working collectively in an integrative setting. A professional school set within a major research university, SEAS provides a model of interdisciplinary and applied research and a focal point of research and teaching on sustainability.

SEAS offers BA and BS degrees in the Program in the Environment, a Master of Landscape Architecture degree (M.L.A.), a Ph.D. in Environment and Sustainability, and a professional M.S. degree in seven additional specializations: Ecosystem Science and Management; Geospatial Data Science; Sustainable Systems; Sustainable Development; Environmental Policy and Planning; Behavior, Education and Communication; and Environmental Justice. Graduate Certificates in Ecological Design, Environmental Justice, Industrial Ecology, Spatial Analysis, Sustainability, and Climate Change Solutions are also offered within the school. The student body includes over 600 undergraduate students, 535 M.S./M.L.A. and 58 doctoral students. SEAS participates in multiple cross-campus degree programs, including an undergraduate Program in the Environment degree and dual degrees with the Schools of Architecture and Urban Planning, Business, Engineering, Law, and Public Health. Additional information about the Landscape Architecture Program and the School for Environment and Sustainability can be found at

SEAS prizes our accredited 3-year M.L.A. and 2-year post-professional M.L.A. programs, which base design on a foundation of cultural interpretation and ecological understanding. The Ph.D. allows faculty to educate scholars who will be influential in advancing the knowledge base of landscape architecture globally.

Teaching and advising: We value colleagues who can make a strong contribution to teaching ecological design and planning in addition to being intellectual contributors to an interdisciplinary school. Our new colleagues will each teach at least two courses per year required for the M.L.A. degree, including the opportunity to teach at least one design studio. Courses that address graduate students from across SEAS, including interdisciplinary team master’s projects and courses for undergraduate students in the Program in the Environment, may also be among the three required courses per year. Our new colleague also will advise graduate students and have the opportunity to supervise doctoral and master’s research.

Scholarship: Successful applicants are expected to develop a strong program of research that is broadly recognized for excellence. SEAS’s interdisciplinary culture recognizes that landscape architecture research methods vary widely within the discipline and that, furthermore, scholarly methods and conventions vary across different disciplines within SEAS.

Service. New faculty will build cooperative ties with relevant University-wide programs and departments and make service contributions to the Program, School, University, and relevant professional and scholarly communities.

To apply, submit application materials in Interfolio, via this link: Applications should include (1) a cover letter; (2) a CV; (3) a concise personal statement describing your vision and plans for research, societal engagement, and teaching. (4)Please describe courses that you are qualified to teach as well as information about classes you have taught or helped teach in the past. We encourage you to also submit a sample of professional or student work representative of studio courses you are qualified to teach; (5) a one-page statement on how you have or plan to contribute to diversity efforts within SEAS, and (6) a list of three academic references with contact information. These full-time, 9-month faculty appointments commence on August 15, 2025. Review of applications will begin August 15, 2024.

For assistance or further information, you may contact Professor Stanton Jones at 

Additional Info

Organization/School : University of Michigan

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